Now I have had friends and family look at me like a madman when I tell them that I watched a movie alone, either at home or in the theatre. For whatever reason it is almost like taboo to watch movies alone. I have always had serious reservations about this particular habit of 'community movie watching' that all of us practice, however, I thought that it was more of a personal trait until I came across this piece by Baradwaj Rangan (who else) in The Hindu. He talks about the same topic and it honestly is quite scary how similar him and me think, at least when it comes to watching movies alone.

If any of you are fans of sports movies like Remember the Titans, Any Given Sunday or the like, then I am sure that you folks are gonna love Moneyball, the latest Brad Pitt flick based on the true story of Billy Beane, manager of the Oakland Athletics baseball team in early 2000. 

While I still am yet to watch the movie, having read initial reviews and seen the trailer itself, it looks like one movie that I will enjoy quite a bit. It involves Brad Pitt, sports, and sports statistics.
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