In the mould of the Mummy franchise (read my review of the latest Mummy movie here), this movie deals with how the protagonist has a tough mission, manages to overcome extreme odds, and finally ends up with the prize and the lovely lady at the end of the movie. All along the way, the plotline and the screenplay being extremely tight, this is one movie which will pretty much keep audiences engrossed without actually getting bored at any point of time.
The story deals with Dastan, an orphan who is adopted by the King of Persia, his foster brothers, and his foster uncle Nizam (portrayed wonderfully by Ben Kingsley). During the attack of the city of Alamut, Dastan manages to come in possession of a dagger which contains the 'sands of time'. The caretaker of the dagger, Princess Tamina manages to get back the dagger from Dastan. In the meantime, King Sharaman of Persia is killed and Dastan is implicated in the death, and is branded a murderer.
While on the run from the Persian guards and his foster brothers, Dastan and Tamina end up together where Dastan learns about the dagger, and also figures out why his uncle Nizam wants it for himself. A lot of action sequences, chase sequences, thrills and spills later, the movie ends up with the climactic sequence where Nizam is in possession of the dagger. And this to me is the part of the movie which is the most fun. How it all ends up is something that most audiences will not expect. I will not give away the ending as it will end up probably being the biggest spoiler of this entire review.
What worked for me in this movie is the tight screenplay, fun action sequences, good and appropriate use of CGI sequences, and for the most part the breezy story and plotline of the movie. All in all, a good fun movie to watch on a Sunday afternoon lazing in your couch with some popcorn or chips at your side.
Related links
Wikipedia link to the movie
IMDB link
Allmovie link
Rotten Tomatoes link
Metacritic link
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