My earliest memories of Sherlock Holmes are that of a pipe smoking, round hat wearing, sharp nosed tall gentleman, who could pretty much deduce an entire day's happenings, and maybe even more just from a speck of dirt or tobacco stain on another person's sleeve or any other part of his dress. Such was Holmes' reputation for deductive reasoning that he had gained legendary status in my mind, and to this date remains one of the best detectives of all times. The fact that I devoured a complete anthology of Sherlock Holmes stories in no time when it was gifted to me stands testimony to my admiration for this character. However, that being said, I absolutely loved Guy Ritchie's wonderful interpretation and adaptation of this wonderful detective.

Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Jason Statham, Seth Green, Edward Norton and a cameo appearance by Donald Sutherland. Now, if you need more reasons to catch a movie, here is one more, a heist movie. Need I say more about this movie at all, any further words would be unnecessary for you to actually catch this movie at least once. After the Ocean series of movies, The Italian Job remains one of the better heist movies made.
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