The 2010 Golden Globe Awards have been announced and the following is the list of winners.

As is public knowledge, Nelson Mandela was released from the Robben Island prison after 27 yrs of imprisonment in 1990 and went on to win the first post-apartheid elections in South Africa and become the first black president of the country.

There are movies, then there are 3-D movies, and then there is Avatar. With all the pre-release publicity, post-release rave reviews and the hype and hoop-la surrounding this movie, it was all but a matter of time before I actually caught it in a theatre. And thank God for the IMAX 3-D Screen in Hyderabad, I was able to enjoy this particular movie to its fullest extent, just the way James Cameron wanted his audience to enjoy it.

My interest in District 9 was piqued when I read a rave review by Roger Ebert, who praised the film for “giving us aliens to remind us not everyone who comes in a spaceship need be angelic, octopod or stainless steel.” Plus the fact that this movie managed to stand its own in the box-office despite being released on the same date as “Inglourious Basterds” also pretty much made it mandatory for me to catch this movie sometime soon.

After quite a few false starts, namely missing out on buying movie tickets on time before the movie left theaters in Hyderabad, getting hold of a few rotten prints of the movie where the audio and the video were not in sync, laziness and selection of other notable movies to watch before this one, and missing out on having the Missus as company to watch the movie, I finally got around to watching “Inglourious Basterds” yesterday, and man, was the wait worth it or what.
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