Now any of us who watch movies and somewhat follow the movie industry would remember the controversy that “The Passion of the Christ” caused the world over when it was released to the movie halls. While I personally was aware of some kind of controversy, I wasn’t a movie geek then to completely understand what it was all about. I assumed that it was just another one of those ‘religious controversies’ that movies dealing with Gods cause, and thought it had something to do with how Jesus Christ was represented in the movie.

However, after watching this movie, I realize (at least to some extent) how it might have hurt the sensibilities (not necessarily religious) of movie viewers worldwide.

Now if any of you have ever seen ‘The Mummy’ or ‘The Mummy returns’, then you obviously are fans of the Mummy movie franchise. Suffice to say that in my opinion, these movies are the closest that any of the movies made in the 21st century can match up to the Indiana Jones franchise.

As a small kid of around 8-10 yrs old, I massively used to enjoy the GI-Joe cartoons that used to be telecast on Doordarshan. And when my cousin got a complete set of the GI Joe dolls from his uncle in Dubai, we were thrilled to bits playing with them. In fact, if memory serves me right, these were the first dolls in India where the elbows and shoulder joints could actually be turned around, which gave these dolls more flexibility.

Now any movie that stars actors of the caliber of Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Helen Mirren and also has talented actors such as Rachel McAdams, and deals with journalists, a corporate scandal waiting to be made public and American politicians is bound to be a good watch. And ‘State of Play’ doesn’t disappoint in this regard.
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