Jack Nicholson as Randle Patrick McMurphy is probably the earliest memory I have of him as an actor. Him with his black woolen cap playing basketball with the Chief (played wonderfully by Will Sampson) is probably the only thing I remembered about this movie which I had probably seen first when I was around 12 yrs old or so. I didn’t quite remember either the rest of the movie or worry about how I was watching one of the best movies of all time back then, but then the second coming of “One flew over the cuckoo’s nest” in my life pretty much cleared all the hype and hoopla surrounding the movie and I understood why it is rated so high up there in almost every list of all-time great movies.

Stephen Glass (Hayden Christensen) works as a reporter with The New Republic and is well known and admired among his colleagues for his highly imaginative and witty articles ranging from the Lewinski scandal to young Republicans at a convention and the like. His offbeat selection of topics to write about and his ability to bring out something completely sensational and unknown to readers’ attention was something that set Glass apart from all his peers.

Now anybody who is anybody would have surely heard of Dan Brown and read the book “The Da Vinci Code” which catapulted him to instant fame around the world. I personally liked the book myself, and also quite enjoyed the movie also although it is true that the movie didn’t quite do enough justice to the book. In any case, this review is of “Angels & Demons” (A&D), the movie adaptation of the prequel to The Da Vinci Code.

Being the die-hard X-Men fan that I am and a fanatical admirer of Hugh Jackman, it was pretty much mandatory that I catch the latest flick of this combination - X-Men Origins: Wolverine almost as soon as it hit Indian screens. I personally have liked each one of the three movies of the X-Men series and admit to being a huge fan of the Wolverine character.
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