One of the regular blogs I read - Rads has put up a crisp nice review of Academy Award winning Japanese movie - Departures. Read the review here.

Every once in a while you come across these offbeat, relatively unheard of movies which simply take your breath away. The Man from Earth is one such movie which would rank really high in the 'taking breath away' department. The theme with which the movie deals with and the sheer simplicity with which this story has been told is something that will make this movie one of my all time favorite 'talk-about movies'.

Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen begins with Optimus Prime narrating how thousands of years ago, a race of ancient Transformers landed on Earth looking for energy sources such as the Sun. Known as the Primes, they used Sun Harvesters to drain stars out of their energy to power Cybertron's AllSpark. However, the Primes had an understanding that they would not drain stars which supported planets with life-forms such as Earth.

The earliest memories I have of the Transformers, and more specifically of Optimus Prime was a shiny little toy that my cousin used to have when he was younger. He used to guard this particular toy more carefully than the others as this was the only one which have elbows and knees that could bend, a neck that could turn, and a hip that could actually bend. This made Optimus Prime (or Red and Blue robot, as we used to call him back in those days) extra special and extra powerful.
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