If memory serves me right this was the first Brad Pitt movie I ever saw. Back in those days when I had just bought my laptop, this was the first DVD I popped into it and watched. And therefore, when after 4 long years, I decided to re-watch this movie again, it kind of brought back good memories.

A long overdue post from my favorite guest author. However, I truly feel sad for what she had to go through on Monday evening in Bangalore -

Just another Manic Monday sang the Bangles but honestly they couldn't have imagined it to be as manic as it was on the Monday gone by in Bangalore.

It was the wrong day to leave office at 6.00 pm (yeah yeah Monday blues and the late night calls that I thought I would take from home made me leave at 6.00) But little did I know what was in store for me.

The second innings of Venkat Prabhu (the director of Chennai 600028) comes to audiences as a refreshingly fresh fast-paced movie with a pencil thin script but a gripping screenplay with enough thrills and spills thrown in to keep the audience glued to their seats for the entire running time of around 180 mins.

The movie begins with somebody being released from the Madurai Jail sometime in 2008, only to be almost immediately stabbed in the stomach just after taking a few steps to freedom. What follows is a recounting of the incidents that took place at Subramaniapuram in 1980, 28 yrs ago.

Home is where the mornings are so foggy that visibility is probably only like 25 mtrs in front of you at 6.45 AM

Home is where the auto-drivers do not hesitate to turn the meter, but will still ask you only for around 10-15 Rupees more than the fare

Home is where most of the small tea shops are open at around 7 AM in the morning

Home is where the potholes in the roads have been at the same places and spots for more than 8 yrs now

Home is where friends are just a loud call away

Home is where

"I have a lot of trouble with things that don't seem true to me, I'm very uncomfortable just accepting. There's something in me that wants to pound the table and say 'That's not true'".

"The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda".

These quotes are as powerful as Michael Crichton's books were. This was one author who was introduced to me through the path-breaking movie of its times - Jurassic Park.

The Andromeda Strain begins with the crashing of a military satellite just outside of Piedmont, Arizona which is subsequently recovered by two teenagers and taken into the town. What follows is a trail of inexplicable deaths of the entire population of the small town with the exception of a drunk and an infant girl.

The scientific research team in charge of the Wildfire project is immediately called into action by Gen. Mancheck of the US Army, Dept of Bio weapons.
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