There's this famous saying that goes "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas", and I have seen enough movies and TV Sitcoms with this particular situation where people get married in Vegas on a drunken binge and then the subsequent realization of the 'mistake' and consequently the divorce situation.

However, what makes this movie different is the fact that the protagonists Jack Fuller (Ashton Kutcher) and Joy McNally (Cameron Diaz) end up winning the jackpot the next day, and end up fighting over who actually won the 3 Million Dollars as it was Joy's quarter but John's spin which actually won the money. When this messy situation ends up in court, they happen to run into the one judge who absolutely hates the entire concept of 'instant marriages' in Vegas and the divorces.

"Everyone wants the truth...until they find it". Now, when a movie poster has a statement like that, would the audience need a bigger hook than that to actually go ahead and watch the movie. Add to this the fact that Ben Affleck has directed the movie, and you have the ingredients of an interesting movie right away.

This is one link which I have been meaning to put up on the blog for at least two days now. This links to one of the most grim realities of Bangalore today and highlights in some detail as to how the Real Estate mafia operates in Bangalore today.

For people like me who were born and brought up in Bangalore and share a special bond with that place, this articles vindicates what we have been feeling for the past 8 odd years now regarding the land prices there.

Part of an insightful article by Fareed Zakaria of Newsweek fame about the current financial crisis -

"it's a lot like Cinderella at the ball. The guys look better all the time, the music sounds better, it's more and more fun, you think, 'Why the hell should I leave at a quarter to 12? I'll leave at two minutes to 12.' But the trouble is, there are no clocks on the wall. And everybody thinks they're going to leave at two minutes to 12."

Good read.

From today's updates, one gets the feeling that the Missus enjoys the fact that public servants in London are actually "public servants" in the true sense of the word. Here go her updates for the day -

"1. Hubby (read Jairam) forgot to call me (forget calling, he didn't even say bye to me!!!)

2. People offer to bring coffee or tea for their colleagues in the office. They even deliver it to me in a tray

3. Most of the people here are helpful, not friendly, but helpful nevertheless.

Life just seems to be getting better and better for the Missus back in London. As the following lines seem to suggest, she seems to have some nice teammates back there at London.

For the uninformed, the Missus is on a three month jaunt to the Ol' Blighty (read London), and I thought this would be a nice small travelogue series. Most of the lines in the quotes below are her words, with some bits and pieces edited by me for typo errors, and usage of politically correct words.

The movie itself begins with a voiceover which narrates the following lines - "Like so many epidemics before, the loss of so many lives began with a single microscopic organism. It's human nature to seek even the smallest comfort in reason, or logic for events as catastrophic as these. But a virus doesn't choose a time or place. It doesn't hate or even care. It just happens." Interesting lines, huh, and well if they don't immediately get you hooked to the movie, nothing will.
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