I absolutely love what David Brooks, New York Times columnist has to say in his column aptly titled "The Post-Lehman World".

These words "We’d need regulators who could spot a bubble and squelch a boom just when things seem to be going good, who can scare away foreign investment and who could over-rule popularity-mongering presidents. (The statements by the two candidates this week have been moronic.)" are so absolutely true especially considering the kind of rhetoric that Obama and McCain have been building up regarding the Market Metldown.

Wish politicians understood more about the economy and how it works rather than just indulging in rhetoric and rabble-rousing just to garner more popular votes.

The current 'milk laced with melamine' scandal just sickens me to my stomach to see just the extent of greed that we as humans go to. I mean, accepted that most of us would probably go that extra mile and do a nasty thing to squeeze that extra dollar/yen/rupee out from the other guy, but to target innocent young children who still have to figure out the ways of the world is probably the depths to which a person can bring himself to.

'Tectonic Shift', 'Financial Meltdown', 'Fall Street', these are some of the terms being bandied around nowadays on Wall Street and all over the world for the past few months (more so in the last 3 days now).

In fact over the last 3 days, I have read so many many articles and news clippings just to get a more variety of opinions and feelers of the ground realities.

This is one movie which just about released around April - May 2008 (the time I was travelling back from the US to India) which is probably the only reason why I missed out watching it in theatres. And things have been so busy back home since then that it was only this weekend that I actually got around to watching this movie. And boy oh boy, did me and the Missus enjoy it or what.
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