Kashmir Agitation - 3 viewpoints
I just read these three interesting articles about the entire Kashmir agitation issue and was a little taken back by the almost extremist stance taken by at least two of these articles.
While Swaminathan S Anklesaria Aiyar has always been known for his crisp and candid comments in his famous "Swaminomics" weekly column in the Times of India, this particular article of his is a little radical in suggesting that the Indian Govt. go ahead and give the Kashmiris a plebiscite where they could decide between (a) independence (b) union with Pakistan (c) union with India. He cites history wherein the Kashmiris were denied their promised plebiscite in 1947 when the Union Govt of India wrongly denied these people their basic right of choice regarding their alignment and secessionism.
While Swaminathan S Anklesaria Aiyar has always been known for his crisp and candid comments in his famous "Swaminomics" weekly column in the Times of India, this particular article of his is a little radical in suggesting that the Indian Govt. go ahead and give the Kashmiris a plebiscite where they could decide between (a) independence (b) union with Pakistan (c) union with India. He cites history wherein the Kashmiris were denied their promised plebiscite in 1947 when the Union Govt of India wrongly denied these people their basic right of choice regarding their alignment and secessionism.