Now, if any of you have actually seen Ang Lee's version of The Hulk which hit movie screens in 2003 and liked the movie and the main protagonist, Bruce Banner a.k.a The Hulk, you will absolutely enjoy this movie, the first official Marvel Comics version of this character, The Incredible Hulk.

I had seen and read enough reviews and news about this movie that piqued my interest in this movie, and the fact that this was the second Marvel release in just about over a month after The Iron Man (which I unfortunately missed in the theatres due to the fact that I was actually on my way back from the US) also made it pretty much mandatory that I actually caught this movie in the theatres. And man, did it turn out to be one of the best decisions of my life or what.

Right from the time that you see the silhouette of the Paramount mountain becoming a beaver-hill (Trivia time: All the Indiana Jones movies have the Paramount becoming a mountain of some sort as the first frame), you know that you are in for the ride of your life.

Now any movie which is primarily made with the premise of having the leading man play at least 10 different roles is bound to have some inherent limitations. For example, it is reasonably difficult to make all 10 roles meaty enough to have reasonable screen-time, importance and credibility. And it is also difficult to ensure that all interactions between these characters are plausible enough to warrant an amazing screenplay.

Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian, now this was one movie which I desperately wanted to see in a theatre rather than in the confines of my home on my trusty Home Theatre because there simply was no way in the world that I would have managed to simulate the sheer grandeur and the magnificence of this movie at home, albeit my 40' Samsung Bordeaux Art LCD manages to pack in quite a punch in this area.

At the outset I must confess that I am a huge fan of war movies. It's not that I particularly love the whole firing and blood and gore part of it, but what fascinates me about war movies is the sheer practical difficulty of planning and capturing the battle scenes as a film-maker. So late 2006-early 2007 when I first read that Clint Eastwood was planning a dual film project about the famous Battle of Iwo Jima from WW-II, to me it was a double-whammy in more than one sense of the word.

Disclaimers: I personally am a huge fan of Siddharth, Genelia and Prakash Raj. Siddharth, I have always liked him from his 'Boys' days, there is something about this chap that keeps telling me that he is destined for far greater glory and accolades than he has already received. Genelia, I don't know what it is about her that I like, but when it comes to playing the 'girl next door' characters, I honestly believe there is nobody in the Tamil and Telugu movie industry to beat her.
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