Although I had seen cars and more cars in lots of English movies, I absolutely had no idea regarding the actual number of cars in the US . This city for sure, and I am quite sure that the rest of this country as well is pretty much reliant on the Automobile Industry in more ways than one. Here cars are pretty much what a decent two-wheeler is to the average Indian.

Typical scenario in India, when a guy/girl turns 18 yrs old, the parents immediately force him to get a Permanent Driving License and the next thing you know this guy is going to be riding a brand new swanky two-wheeler to college, or in the case of a girl, she will be riding the Scooty Pep + or Bajaj Sapphire or whatever the 'in-brand' is now to college.

Considering that I have completed my first international flight reasonably incident free, here are a few tips that every Indian should keep in mind whenever undertaking an international journey -

1. Always call up either the Airport Help Line or the Airline Help Desk to get details regarding whether your flight is on time or delayed.
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