The unwelcome visitor
It was that time of the year again when I had to pay a visit to Jairam (let's call him J for the rest of this post).
After all it was that time when the weather was oscillating between being warm, being hot, being pleasant and being cold, all at the same time. Plus the fact that J was in Hyderabad (as against Bangalore whose weather and winds he was more used to) made it all the more easier for me to visit him, that too unannounced and when he least expected me.
Although last Thursday was one of the wierdest mornings that J had seen in a while, what with the extremely foggy conditions at around 6 AM in the morning when he had his first smoke, little did he expect that he would be hosting me in a very short while from then.
After all it was that time when the weather was oscillating between being warm, being hot, being pleasant and being cold, all at the same time. Plus the fact that J was in Hyderabad (as against Bangalore whose weather and winds he was more used to) made it all the more easier for me to visit him, that too unannounced and when he least expected me.
Although last Thursday was one of the wierdest mornings that J had seen in a while, what with the extremely foggy conditions at around 6 AM in the morning when he had his first smoke, little did he expect that he would be hosting me in a very short while from then.