It was that time of the year again when I had to pay a visit to Jairam (let's call him J for the rest of this post).

After all it was that time when the weather was oscillating between being warm, being hot, being pleasant and being cold, all at the same time. Plus the fact that J was in Hyderabad (as against Bangalore whose weather and winds he was more used to) made it all the more easier for me to visit him, that too unannounced and when he least expected me.

Although last Thursday was one of the wierdest mornings that J had seen in a while, what with the extremely foggy conditions at around 6 AM in the morning when he had his first smoke, little did he expect that he would be hosting me in a very short while from then.

He could feel the tension stiffening his neck muscles, his palms sweating up in spite of the chalk powder that he'd used specifically to avoid this, his heart-beats speedening up, 'butterflies' in his stomach, a small weakening of his knees. Anybody who was approximately 100 feet above ground level waiting to leap off an edge would be. Although he'd done this hundreds of times before, this one was special, this was the one moment that he'd been waiting for all his life.

Enough has been said and written about the launch of the Tatas' new car, the Nano. Although as a commuter of the already crowded roads of Hyderabad, I personally am not too much in favor of such a cheap car for the simple fact that it will end up clogging the already traffic-clogged roads of the Metro cities, I do believe there is merit in the argument that this car will help quite a lot of people in the Tier II and Tier III cities of the country.

Now most of us have studied a little bit of Micro-Economics at the UnderGraduate level, and some of us have been lucky enough to have had a stint at Macro-Economics at the Post Graduate level.

And now it is the Indian's turn to act childish and ensure that all their demands are met before they take to the field again. The latest development is that although the ICC has removed Bucknor from the rest of the series, and have agreed to appoint a neutral Commissioner to hear the appeal against the Harbhajan ban. But the twist in the tale is that BCCI has agreed that the tour will go on only if the ICC's appointed commissioner rules the appeal in Harbhajan's favor.

Hey folks, it's time again for a post from my favorite guest (or is it Ghost) contributor. This time around she has her say on the sensational issue rocking India, flying Sikhisms such as 'monkey'.

Trust me to always put my own foot in my mouth. This post by Jabberwock led me to the official website of the recent movie, The Golden Compass which is running in theatres right now. And probably the only reason I actually went to the website was to quell my curiousity as to which 'Daemon' belonged to me.

Guess which daemon actually belonged to me???

Damn, I will surely have to salvage some pride out of this entire situation and find something good about Arphenia and post about it soon.

Sheer brilliance in usage of words, and absolute unadulterated anger and probably the only two terms that I can think of when I think of this article by Peter Roebuck in the Sydney Morning Herald. If I may quote some of his words here -

"Beyond comparison it was the ugliest performance put up by an Australian side for 20 years.....

Now, if you are inclined to take more than one opinion on a Movie Review, I would recommend you reading this review of Om Shanti Om before you read mine. Sreeram, my all time favorite movie reviewer, who btw happens to be my cousin and more importantly a closer friend, has reviewed OSO in his usual inimitable style in this post (PS: In case you watch Hindi, Tamil or Malayalam movies, his blog is like this unending fountain of wisdom on all movies in all three languages).

A follow up of my earlier post, circa, December 28th, 2007, I was setting foot on the hallowed grounds of Namma Bangaluru after all of 117 days of 2007 (approximately 32% of the whole of 2007, damn, that is a big number).
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