My third post on Bangalore Memories deals with Cubbon Park, one of the greenest patches of Bangalore.

Cubbon Park, spread over around 250 acres is bordered by Kasturba Road, Kanteerava Stadium, Corporation Circle, Vidhana and Vikasa Soudha and The High Court of Karnataka. In my opinion, each of these places mentioned above probably deserve separate posts because in the course of my stay at Bangalore, I have visited all of these places with the exception of the Vikasa Soudha (which was built when I was back at IIM Indore).

Coming back to Cubbon Park, I still remember the first time I actually visited this place. I was probably 7-8 yrs old and some cousins (or were they second cousins?) were visiting Bangalore.

This is the second in my series of Bangalore Memories. While the first dealt with culinary conveniences offered by Darshinis, the second deals with a place that has been ubiquitous in my life, Malleswaram 8th Cross.

Another interesting article in BusinessWeek titled "A Guide for Multinationals".

What makes this particular piece interesting is the fact that for a layman who has no idea how multinationals function in today's "global village", this article gives you the 'How Multinational Companies function - 101'.

Just finished reading this article in BusinessWeek and had to put up a cross-link on the blog.

The article refers to a decade-old old article written by Management Guru, Tom Peters, called "The Brand Called You ", in which Tom had talked about how critical it had become for all managers and CEOs to start creating brands around their personalities.

The current article in BusinessWeek examines the relevance of Brand You in today's context.

Just read this funny article under the column Cubicle Culture by Jared Sandberg in the online edition of Mint.

Hilarious is the only way I can describe it. In fact, I would go far enough to say that maybe Jared Sandberg has been inspired a lot by Scott Adams and Dilbert.

Since I am going to be moving out of Bangalore in another 2 weeks (at least temporarily), I thought I would dedicate the next 2 weeks of posts to my thoughts on leaving this city where I have spent a good 25 yrs (out of 27 yrs of my existence in this world).

For a start, I am desperately going to miss the Darshini eating joints that dot the Bangalore landscape.

Another lovely movie review from my favorite guest contributor. Wonder when she will agree to write a post in which I can actually mention her name, but for now, she still intends to remain an anonymous contributor to Jamster's Jams.

One would think that I am heavily into sport considering that I write this blog. But I do watch a reasonable amount of sport (thanks to my brother and my husband) and a l-o-t of movies so I guess I am eligible to write this.

Patriotism and Sport go hand in hand.

Considering that I've spent a majority of the last 15 months working in the Capital Markets domain (more so on the Fixed Income products side of things), I thought the blog would be a good place to disseminate some information on the current meltdown in global stock markets.

Steven Levitt, author of the acclaimed book Freakonomics (which incidentally has been on the New York Times Bestseller list for all of 104 weeks now!!!) has come up with this amazingly brilliant post on his blog in the New York times.

For all you folks who are working hard to eke out a decent living and have six digit CTCs (cost-to-company salary figures), I've got a rhetorical question? Do all you folks actually think that you deserve all the money that you make, do you ever think of lots of other people in other professions (like teachers, professors, scientists, researchers, etc, who are engaged in work that actually makes a difference to the world) are being rewarded enough for their efforts?

What prompted this line of t
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