Day 2 - Post lunch

After the feast, after everyone has rested a little we make time for some fun and frolic: Nalangu. This involves no vedic hymns. It is basically an occasion for everyone to relax and show their talent in singing along with some playful activities between the bride and groom in which everyone participates. Nalangu is an occasion for relatives from both sides to mix and get acquainted. The nalangu normally lasts an hour or so. The ladies on both sides take turns in singing and teasing the bride and the groom. It also provides them an opportunity to exhibit their literary skills, music compositions skills and to humouruosly point out the shortfalls on either side in the conduct of the marriage etc. Both parties tease each other through the medium of music.

Day 2 - The Wedding itself

The wedding day has so many rituals packed in the morning and if the Muhurtham (solemnisation of the wedding) is very early, then the activities need to be started real early, sometimes at 3.30 am itself. Thankfully, for my wedding, the Muhurtham is not very early and having done the vratham etc. the previous day itself, the morning should be quite relaxed.

The following is a brief trip into the future. Most of these details are sourced from another blog which I happened to come across. Complete credit to the author, whose URL I am not publishing here.

My wedding will hopefully be a grand affair as always with South Indian weddings. The proceedings of the actual wedding ceremony starts on the previous morning. (The preparations have started at least 2 months in advance).

This article in the TIME magazine provides an amazingly interesting perspective on the current state of democracy as a concept as is being adopted by Pakistan today.

The article takes the case of dismissed Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry and his journey to a particular meeting to exemplify the immense amount of angst that the people of Pakistan have against current President Musharraf and his dual role of being both the President as well as the Chief of Army Staff.
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