Here's an interesting new take on Chinese President Hu Jintao's latest policies which have the following three phrases as their cornerstones or guiding principles -

- Harmonious Society

- Scientific Development Perspective

- Peaceful Development

Honestly speaking previous experiences of the Chinese in terms of aligning themselves with global economic and social realities have not been too successful, although complete credit has to be given to them for having developed their own country quite well. It remains to be seen whether the new "China Model" as it is being termed internationally works.

Am just re-linking the Businessweek article which brought my notice to the new China Model.

Law against Women working at Night - Oh Lawd!

What was Iqbal Ansari thinking??

If you are wondering who I am talking about, it is Bangalore's State Labour Minister when he and other ministers passed the law banning night shifts for women. Women banned from working between 8.00 pm and 6.00 am, an exception being given to IT, ITES and essential services.

Whaa... How come ... why... In Bangalore did you say? ...

Life in a Metro is part of the list of movies that have been released in 2007, which deals with the love and lives of several people (the others being, Salaam-e-ishq and Honeymoon Travels). The director Anurag Basu, who earlier did Gangster, has successfully managed to weave a story that is contemporary and an attempt to showcase the lives of people in a metropolitan city.
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