Have copied an article which somebody forwarded to me on mail. I honestly don't know if I am violating any copyright norms by doing this, but in case I am, my humble apologies for the same -

Make Money With Ice Cream

Dylan Jovine


That's right - ice cream.

Why? Because understanding basic business in America is as easy as understanding ice cream. And since I'm lactose intolerant (not to mention a bit hefty in the waistline), this gives me a guilt-free way to discuss my favorite subject. In addition, understanding business is the key to understanding stocks. And that's what we're all here for, ladies and gentlemen, isn't it?

Great ... so sit back and relax as we play a quick game of Tycoon Monopoly.

Are you ready?


Yet another guest post from a good friend of mine. Interesting perspective to Indian men and their obsession with cricket.

Every single man i know is hooked to the game.

In my house, we watch reruns of cricket matches, we have loads of books and DVDs on cricket - on the World cup, the Ashes series and the works.

It probably is the easiest thing in the world to make a movie about a bunch of bad guys chasing a good guy for whatever reason. Some of the memorable ones that come to my mind would be Fugitive (Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones) and US Marshals (Wesley Snipes, Tommy Lee Jones). While these movies had the same underlying theme of the leading star being framed for a crime he did not actually commit, it also had the honest cop who was just doing his dury trying to get the fugitive into custody.

A guest post from someone who I know who is truly suffering the ill effects of the Real Estate boom in Bangalore -

This post goes out to all those whose parents have prudently invested in property in Bangalore - THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS.

The fact that you dont have to pay ridiculous sums of money every month for the cubby hole that you stay in itself is proof enough.

Premier investment firm Berkshire Hathway released their annual report for the fiscal year 2006 on March 1, 2007 and all you budding investment and fund managers, I've got some good news for you.

Investment Guru Warren Buffet, who by most of us is considered the father of investments, is well on his goal to finding a worthy successor to his legacy.

Hi guys,

Sudhish has these amazing reviews of Nishabd and Eklavya on his blog here.
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