Continuing with the real hazards of having broadband at home, the whole of this week was an entirely different story. What with the link to the Tata Indicom Server being down from Tuesday till today evening, the only browsing I could get done was at the office, amidst thousands of doubts as to who was looking over my shoulder to see what I was doing.

Speaking about office, had a decent and quiet beginning to my career at Accenture. Am yet to be assigned a project, and still am finding my bearings at a totally new environment. More of consequence later as I m feeling too sleepy tonight.

The broadband connection coupled with e-Mule and the ample amount of free time that I have right now have resulted in downloads of DJ Tiesto MP3s to the tune of close to 300 MB in just about three days. Man, if this is the scene in just three days, I'm scared to comprehend what would've happened if the broadband had been installed 15 days ago. Good that I've report to duty from April 24th onwards.

It feels good to be back into the hi-speed online world. Man, after two years of high speed browsing back there on the hill that we call IIM Indore, coming back home to a not-too-fast and not-too-reliable dial up connection was a pain in the wrong places. Finally, more than 15 days after having paid up for the broadband plan, the Tata Indicom VSNL chaps finally installed it today morning. In any case, it feels good to harness the power of the internet at these speeds.

Well, I literally stepped into my father's shoes for the convocation ceremony which was held for the 7th graduating batch of IIM Indore on April 1st. That more than just literally also meant that I had finally reached a stage in life where I was to be more than just responsible for my own life.

I guess now I am in charge of most affairs back here at home, more so financially.
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