As the title sez it was good to be quizzing again, albeit only after a short break, this was the first quiz on campus after quite a long hiatus.

This time around it was a Biz Quiz organised, and conducted completely by the PGP1 participants, and to be honest, they did quite a decent job of it.

Most of the times I guess I'm a little too critical of their efforts, partly because of the fact that our batch as a whole is simply amazing at organising events of a high standard and getting things done picture perfectly. I guess given enough time and opportunities, PGP1 won't let us down.

All in all a good quiz, and yes, we (Venky and yours truly) secured second place. After all, Biz Quizzing is like bread and butter for the two of us.

As the title sez, I've practically lived out a suitcase 1/3rd of this month. First it was Nihilanth, the annual inter IIT-IIM quiz festival, which was being hosted by IIM Calcutta this year. Although the festival itself didn't bring too much joy to either me or my team of quizzards, we thoroughly enjoyed the trip to Calcutta. Considering that for most of us it was the first time in that glorious ol' city, it was quite an experience.

Picture this, five PGP2 participants from IIM Indore, adventurers at heart, struck in the road, bang next to a RTO check post. The vehicle in which they were travelling from Gwalior to Agra has just been impounded by the cops for it being a private vehicle which is not supposed to ferry people across the border as a normal taxi does. The driver has just made a run for it, jumping into the first vehicle he spots on the road.

Well, it's that time of the year when IIM Indore comes together to celebrate UtsAha. And UtsAha 2006, if initial numbers are anything to go by, is gonna be one helluva of event, kicking the living daylights out of any other event that this old city of Indore has ever seen.

For the uninitiated, UtsAha is the annual marketing fair of IIM Indore primarily conducted with the aim of carrying out market research projects for paid clients.
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