As if China's 'one child' policy was not bad enough, the BBC News has this latest piece of information, which is reflective of how callous we as a race can get.

I mean, how can one even comprehend hawking children in a manner as this. Even if this whole issue turns out to be a hoax, I feel this particular 'innovator forever' guy should be put behind bars either at a prison or at least at a psychiatric institution, coz no one in his right senses would even dare to think of doing something like this.

While I am all for birth control, in order to have a check on the ever burgeoning population, anyone in his right mind could never condone trade in children, akin to slave trading, which hopefully has seen its last.

What seemed to be just another issue relating to the so called 'freedom of speech' that every Indian has been granted - courtesy Article 19 which speaks of the protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech among other things, now has blow into a full fledged news item considered worthy of being put up on C-Net.

Wow, didn't quite realise that blogging in India has come this far and could have such far reaching consequences.

I find the above question quite inane in terms of the well known fact that there is never an adequate enough 'enough' for any of us in what we desire. In all probability there is some bit of me also for whom there is never enough of the things that I desire, I lust for and desperately want.

Around this time last year, our auditorium back here at the hill that is IIM Indore was in a 'bare bones' state, ie, just the auditorium, with an elevated platform for a stage.

Why they are called what they are called, nobody knows, not even the band members themselves. They chose EUPHORIA simply b coz the word itself was as good as any other. No deep thought process went into the choice of this profound word as the name. No drinking sessions, no sitting in a roomful of smoke (ganja or regular nicotine), no burning of midnight oil, no brand consultant, no band manager tearing his hair for an unique saleable name, just pure inspiration (or maybe even boredom).

So you wanted to get into a premier B School of the country, you wanted to associate yourself with the coveted IIM tag for life. You put in endless hours of coaching classes, both for the written CAT, as well as grooming and preparing yourself for the Group Discussions and the Personal Interviews. Yes, you had fun when you were doing them, but then you were single minded in your focus in getting into the hallowed portals of one of the six IIMs.

Man, if I thought Day II of the Dusshera celebrations on IIM Indore rocked, I had another thing coming. Today, we had a mandatory Aarathi session with Durga Maa, which obviously rocked. I dunno why, but there is something powerful about a group of people collectively standing at a place and praying. It just gives me a amazingly feeling of faith in the goodness and beauty of life itself.

Anyways, to cut to the chase, the highlight of the day was the food.

The celebrations of Dusshera continue on the hill that is IIM Indore. CulCom tonight, organised RANGOLI and LAGORI as part of the ongoing Dusshera festival. Here goes a brief description of both these events.

The area in front of the mess was cleared of the book racks. Teams were allotted 4X4 ft of space within which they were asked to display their creativity with whites and colors. As usual Dandu and team rocked the boat.

With Durga Pooja pandals being erected all over the country, can IIM Indore be left far behind. CulCom took up this particular initiative this year and the result is visible in the pic attached. The pic shows the lights being put up and the pandal in the right corner. The pandal is fully ready now and I will probably put up a pic of tonight's celebrations as well.

Why is it that all of us want the best the world has to offer us, while we ourselves are content with providing our 'mediocre' offerings to the world at large.

Case in question, we crib about the quality of the faculty, the way he teaches, the things he teaches, the way he hands out surprise quizzes, the way he evaluates our presentations, the way he comes up with trick questions in quizzes/exams, the way he grades our performances in end-terms, etc, this list is endless.

This is amazingly hilarious. I keep posting stuff on my blog hoping someone reads them, and lo and behold, someone does actually read them. Problem is that I have absolutely no idea who reads my blog.

So here's a request to all the readers of this post. Please, for heaven's sake, leave your name and e mail ids at the comments link to this post, so that I can figure out who my blog audience is.
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