Well an old saying goes "a picture is worth a thousand words." However, the all powerful Manish Bhagat and me were having a discussion in class and we concluded that a picture is not worth a 1000 words after all.

Based on our extensive worldly knowledge, we figured that a picture is only worth 817 words, which is 183 short of the magical figure of 1000 that most people insist that a picture is worth. Facts, rationale for our reasoning are presented below.

The original quotation went something like "Cheeang ching bing bling bling, nee hao maa, aaso" considering that it was all in Chinese and loosely translated into English (by Frederick R.

Well, since I've been hearing the word "draconian" being used quite often, I thought I would look up the origins of the word and here are some of the preliminary findings of my efforts.

First of all, draconian is based on some stupid scribe who took the pains of codifying all the stupid gargantuan and ridiculous laws of ancient Athens.

At times I wonder if too much has changed over the past three odd months or so. I remember the good ol' days of PGP1 when I invariably used to end up in the finals of all the quizzes conducted by the Quiz Club. However, things are looking drastically different this year.

The Quiz Club has conducted two quizzes this year, Gyaan by Ashwin and Howzatt, the Cricket Quiz by Kapil and in both the quizzes I have missed being in the finals by the proverbial whisker, ie, one point in these cases.

The following is an article authored by the Services Marketing Prof S Ram Kumar and has been reproduced with his kind permission. It is quite long and therefore brace yourselves for the ride of your lives -



I slide steel into his belly and nudge him to a drowsy rumble. Astride one score ponies and eight, I point him to the long black ribbon that takes us out to the sea, a long way off.

I have that nice warm feeling all over me of a job well done. Well THE MONEY PUZZLE conducted by EQUIT-I is offically over and both batches received it pretty well. Surprisingly quite a few teams scored over 22 out of 40 which was quite higher than what I had expected teams to score. I guess the idea of putting in one PGP1 and one PGP2 participant in each team paid off.

As the post says, it is event number 2 in my calendar. The event - THE MONEY PUZZLE (crossword related to finance, banking, current affairs, etc), the club - EQUIT-I, the novelty - teams comprising of one PGP1 and one PGP2 participant, the prize money - big, the reward - points for Financier of the Month.

The sheer number of events/competitions held by the interest clubs viz, Mercur-i, Equit-i, Currenc-i, the Quiz Club and Titanium to name a few is quite astounding. So far in the one month that PGP2 has been on campus, we have already had 2 quizzes, 2 crosswords, one Ad-mark, one paper writing competition and the Next Buffet, our online stock trading simulation game.

What do you get when you put a wafer thin story line, a model of foreign origin, three brothers with well built bodies who hog the screen (thankfully, one of whom is on screen only for a very small time), songs in some amazing locales, an ageing beauty-queen-turned-actress, a first timer in a Punjabi mother's role and a director who's known for his non-sense style of film making??

Well, if the above paragraph did not give you any clues, I cannot blame you folks simply b coz of the fact that the

The number of events that are being organised by all the interest clubs at IIM Indore have increased by leaps and bounds this year. Like I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, all the clubs have started functioning in a more organised, methodical and workmanlike manner.

Coming to the point, Currenc-i, which is the Economics and International Business interest club up here on the hill conducted its first event of this academic year, CROSS-BIZ.

I have always wondered how some people are able to keep secrets so well. Although there is the oft quoted Linda Goodman theory that people from a few sun signs (such as Cancer for example, courtesy Govar) whose personality type is such that they are able to keep deep dark secrets with them for a long time without even letting out an inkling that they have such secrets. And man, have I learnt from being around Govar that Cancerians are quite good at keeping secrets.
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