Well, there I was sitting in Rajesh's room listening to some amazingly beautiful AR Rahman songs, when suddenly I was transported to times gone by.

The songs literally took me back to days when I was in love. Like someone's said "It's better to have loved and lost, than not to have loved at all." I'm what people would call 'an incurable romantic' at heart. I absolutely love falling in love, and being in love. The simple fact being that I've fallen in love at least thrice and by now I guess I've kind of figured what true love is all about. What follows in this post is going to sound extremely cliched and filmi, but then I'm going to post it anyways.

According to me, true love is about giving and not expecting anything else in return.

The monsoons have arrived. Up on the hill that calls for some amazingly beautiful sceneries. My new room in B Block satisfies the hunger in me to stare out into the distance and get nostalgic every now and then. The added benefit of having some lovely views from my window with the wet earth is truly amazing. In fact, I kind of run out of words to describe what I feel.

Some of the recent happenings on campus have gotten me thinking quite a bit. Can a guy and a girl never ever be involved in a platonic relationship at all, or is it just that most people in this world can never relate to anything remotely platonic?

So what if a guy dances with a girl in a party, why do people have to read between the lines. I don't understand what it is that prompts them to start wagging their tongues.

Our Consumer Behavior professor today talked about ‘pester power’, which simply put refers to the ability of kids below the age of 12 yrs to literally pester their parents into purchasing products which the parents would normally not buy. Now this set me thinking and I just had to post about this phenomenon called ‘pester power’ in India. So here goes.

It's quite funny how we form our perceptions about others. I dunno about the rest of you, but most of the perceptions I form about people (or rather used to form about people) were purely based either on hearsay about them, or on one-time interactions with them.

I guess I judge people too soon. By the time I finish a five minute conversation with a person, nine times out of ten, I've formed my first perception about the person.

I was just reading a David Aaker reading on the Brand Identity System and he defines Brand Identity thus -

"Brand identity is a unique set of brand associations that the brand strategist aspires to create or maintain. These associations represent what the brand sttands for and imply a promise to customers from the organisation members."

Now this sets me thinking as to what 'Jam' the brand represents and what identity it has.

Today the Legal Aspects of Business (LAB) Prof. had an interesting observation. He used the analogy of the military to explain the relevance of having a basic awareness of the law.

He told us that the military trains its personnel not to win wars, but to stay alive, the rationale being that as long as the soldier stays alive, the war is not lost. He compared this to the study of law. We should study law not to file cases, or try to get justice.

Life on campus just got a little more interesting. The PGP1 participants who had enrolled for the preparatory courses in Maths and Business Communication have turned up on campus and are already well into the swing of things up here on the hill.

Although I haven't met any of them yet, they seem an interesting batch, filled with the usual quota of fun guys, introspective guys, good looking girls, et al. In any case, I was getting quite bored of interacting with my batchmates.

Damn you Bhasky,

Since I ve been tagged, here goes the ritual:

Three Names You Go By:




Three Screen Names You Have Had:




Three Physical Things You Like About Yourself:

My powerful eyes (someone told this to me once and I rolled over laughing)

My walk

My large ears

Three Physical Things You Don't Like About Yourself:

Hey, I pretty much like everything about myself, at least physically

Three Parts Of Your Heritage:




"The most daring escape ever conceived. It begins at Pescara. It spreads into high adventure as they highjack their own prison train. It shoots past Rome... Florence... Bologna... It hightails into the Majola Pass with Messerschitts in hot pursuit... and makes a final frenzied lunge for Switzerland- and freedom!"

This is the tagline for an amazing movie "Von Ryan's Express" which I just finished watching.
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