I dunno if this post is the result of an overdose of end term exams back here on the hill, or a figment of my frustrations with the evaluation pattern largely followed in India. I just hate examinations.

My personal opinion is that exams are about being able to cram stuff up and vomit them out on the answer sheet during the 2/3 hr time period in that stupid examination hall. Back here in India, people swear by this system. Parents, teachers, even the doodhwala seems to have an opinion that if a student doesn't get decent marks in an exam, well, his future is doomed. For a son to be a good son, for a student to be a good student, for a whatever to be a good whatever, he has to do his exams well.

Nostalgic is one word to describe one of the many emotions that is running through me nowadays. Now that Term 3 and in effect PGP 1 is drawing to a close on the hilltop, I will in all probability be separated from good friends in the form on my work group, that we fondly referred to as Team Avon during the past 9 odd months.
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