My mini tryst with the wonderful field of study called Finance is officially over, with the exception of a small end-term which I should hopefully float through, even though the waters are quite turbulent.

Although I've always been a great believer of sports being the best integrator, some recent incidents on the playing field have left me wondering if it is really so. For example, one small shove on the soccer field converts two acquaintances into enemies for life, all because both of them are ultra-competitive. I guess this is a result of taking yourselves too seriously.

A brief history of the Finnish language

It is believed that the Baltic Finnic languages evolved from a proto-Finnic language, from which Sami was separated around 1500–1000 BC. It has been suggested that this proto-Finnic had three dialects: northern, southern and eastern. The Baltic Finnic languages separated around the 1st century.

The first written form of Finnish language was created by Mikael Agricola, a Finnish bishop in the 16th century.

As the famous Murphy’s Law states, “if anything can go wrong, it will”. Well today was my first hand experience at this law at pretty much everything I did since I got up in the morning till right about now. Here goes a brief description -

Tomorrow was a big day for all of us in PGP1 because all of us had this earth-shattering Quant Tech project submission to be done, and as usual we had left the entire project to the 11th hour, ie, today.

Now that I’ve got a few people who regularly visit this spot to have some fun, here goes my take on the lingo popularly called Madras Bashai (lingo spoken in Madras, or Chennai, as you probably know it by now).

Madras bashai (also known as Madras Tamil and informally as Tanglish) is a language spoken in the city of Chennai, India. It is a loose polyglot blend of Tamil and English, with some loan words from Telugu, Kannada and Hindi. The term literally means "Madras language" in Tamil.

Here are some links which I came across recently and feel make for good reading -

Click here to read the highlights of our Finance Minister P Chidambaram's Union Budget presentation 2005-06.

Click here to read Arundhati Roy's speech regarding Public Power in the Age of Empire.

Click here to read the official Placement Report of IIM Indore - Batch of 2005.
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