As things stand right now, we have around 6 odd projects and assignments running parallel in various study groups. Here’s an indicative description of them -

Marketing project – brand in the media industry

Strategic Planning project – company in the hardware industry

Organization Analysis project – workflow in a bank

Finance assignment – calculation of the industry and company beta in the Auto Ancillaries industry

Developments in World and Indian Economy – assignment on various economic systems in the world

The above are in addition to the usual shit load of pre-readings, post-readings and cramming for surprise quizzes, announced quizzes, modest reading attempts to give some ‘quality’ class participation. Well, the list can go on and on and on.

In East Asian thought, yin and yang are the two complementary forces or principles that make up all aspects and phenomena of life.

Yin is earth, female, dark, passive, and absorbing; it is present in even numbers and in valleys and streams and is represented by the tiger, the colour orange, and a broken line.

Yang is heaven, male, light, active, and penetrating; it is present in odd numbers and mountains and is represented by the dragon, the colour azure, and an unbroken line.

It’s like this pimple which just refuses to disappear off your face, it’s like this boil which refuses to heal, it’s like dandruff which refuses to disappear irrespective of whatever shampoo you use, it’s like this rat which refuses to eat the juicy masala vada in the rat trap, it’s like the cold wind which chills you in places which you never knew existed in your body, it’s like common cold, you never know from where you could contract it, it’s like this ringing sound in your ears which refuses

Here’s something that I came across today. Absolutely hilarious to say the least!!!

"The Travails of Single South Indian men of conservative upbringing"

or "Why we don't get any..."

Yet another action packed weekend in Mumbai, full of fun, frolic and introspection. I have learnt many things. For example having money when none of your friends have any is as good as not having any.

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Now that it’s been decided for good that Finance 2 is only for the Finnish (people from Finland, for the uninitiated), I plan to focus all my energies(or whatever is left of them) on Operations Management, Quantitative Techniques and Information Technology, not necessarily in that order though.

Today is going to be a big day in terms of a colossal closed book exam of Managing Information Technology.

Finnished is the only word to describe how most of PGP1 felt today after our Finance 2 mid terms. Although most of us had burnt the quintessential midnight oil preparing for them, no amount of hard work in the world could’ve prepared us for the debacle that laid ahead.

The past two or three days have just gone by in a whirry sort of way. What with the seniors leaving the campus one by one, and two important quizzes coupled with mid-terms which just begin in a few hours from now.

Today was a weird experiment with timings which seemed to have worked out well. I wasted some time, spending close to two prime time hours with seniors who are about to leave in about an hour’s time. Bhasky, Ram, Arun and me went out and had dinner yesterday night.

My earlier post on the Oriental vs Occidental mindsets was posted by me on my Yahoo! Group of my high school batchmates and managed to elicit quite a few good responses. Therefore, I decided to share a few of them on the blog. Here goes…….

nice thoughts man,

but i would like to touch upon a few things here. Not everybody have the mentality of save as much as u can!! but it is surely true among many Indians that they look to save a lot, albeit in any possible way.

Today in our Managing Human Resources class the Prof came up with an interesting point which we discussed to some lengths.

The point that he was trying to make is the difference in the mindsets of Indian expatriates vis-à-vis, those of expatriates from other countries. What he was trying to tell us is the fact that even when Indians go out for short/medium term assignments abroad, they go there with the mindset that they can save quite a bit of the per diem allowance.
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