I guess we’ve all heard the cliché – “Man is a social animal !!!”. But then I guess I realized it in a completely different manner only today.

The current situation is that we (as in Group 1, or fondly referred to as Team Avon by the members) are hard pressed for time to complete a MAC II Project titled “The costing systems followed by the Cement Industry in India”. Team Avon being true proponents of the Just-in-time system, started off work on the project only yesterday, the submission being due in another 5 days.

Coming to the point, here we were stuck in good ol’ Indore which is around 350 odd kms away from the nearest cement plant without an inkling of an idea as to how to go about gathering costing data.

Since the concept of ‘Class Participation’ is quite clear in the minds of all B-Schoolers by now, we don’t care too much for it nowadays. It’s kind of become part of our lives now and we have learnt to live with it. But then, life has its own ways of throwing up surprises once in a while every now and then.

Cut to MAC II Session 18 where we were discussing the problems with the budgets of a concern of no particular interest. Our good ol’ friend Krishnan (‘Kicha’ for short) puts his hand up.

2015_loc, originally uploaded by Jairam.

Today in continuation of the great movie series, I saw "Basic", again starring two of my all time faves, John Travolta and Sam Jackson. Both of them individually are awesome, but then put them together and you get a deadly combination, maybe even deadlier than Rava Dosas and Onion Chutney (which is by far the best combo ever made by God, in my humble culinary opinions).

therecruit, originally uploaded by Jairam.

I'€™ve been busy watching some truly awesome movies during the past two days.

First of all there was "€œThe Recruit" starring Colin Farell and one of my all time fave actors, Al Pacino. The story goes something like Al Pacino who works for the CIA recruits Colin Farell to the induction program of the CIA only to see to it that he promptly gets dumped out of the program in no time.

As far as I know all the IITs and the IIMs follow this jazzy system of continuous evaluation. However, this system too has its demerits. This system encourages selective study of the courses by the participants.

The methodology followed in the continuous evaluation system (CES) is that a few quizzes are conducted followed by a mid-term exam which effectively carry around 50% of the weightage of the course between them.

People, the following is a poem by a good friend and batchmate of mine, Kaushik Ray where he relives his CAT 2003 experiences:


As days have flown and months have passed, And we chosen few with a touch of Midas, land up in a place which we call home, it's time to let our memories roam, To the events that unfolded in last time's CAT. Let’s sit back, read, relive and relax.

The model was primarily designed to describe participants’ misperceptions regarding CGPA and how it affects the amount of CP supplied by them.

This model explains the upward sloping short run aggregate Class Participation (CP) curve by focusing on the Participant market. This model assumes that grades adjust fully and quickly to balance the supply and demand for CP.

4 days is a long time in the ‘online’ world, more so if you’re someone like me who’s been regular with posting. The fact that I haven’t posted anything on the blog since Nov 14th is not because everything is silent on the B-Schooling front. It’s just that I’ve kind of been busy doing ‘stuff’.

’Stuff’ includes watching oscillating between awesome movies like ‘Lord of the Rings – The Two Towers’ to monumental down-the-drain movies like ‘7G – Rainbow Colony’, a Tamil movie.

The below is a brief description of the “Manisian Model of aggregate supply, wages, prices and unemployment”

From the above graph, it is visible that prices are sticky till a particular point, viz, the JAM point beyond which the fiscal policy of the government is rendered ineffective due to high marginal delta in the stability factor of politics. From that point onwards, the AS curve becomes vertical.

Back here at IIM Indore, we believe in doing things in a big way. First, it was Janmashtami, and today it was Diwali. We started off with all of us PGP participants, around 240 in all assembling in the B Block Common Room and sang bhajans and took Arthi of Lakshmi Maa. And then after the mandatory Mithai distribution, we were off to the semi-circle in front of the mess.

That was when Diwali began in real earnest.
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