
If you thought I was kidding about the seriousness of Counter Strike back here, read on:

Hi folks,

Since the IIMI news service isn’t covering the “most happening” game of the season, we players (read ‘frag’gers) have decided to update the populace with the details. Yeah, we know you are dying to hear.

We had the Numero Uno of the PGP1 vs. PGP2 CounterStrike (CS) matches yesterday and today. The good news is: we won 3-2 yesterday, playing as the bad guys. The bad news is: we lost 0-5 today (or yesterday, or whatever!) playing as the good guys. Yeah, the bad guys won everytime.

The titans of the season (in alphabetical order)

CS Nick True name Description

Kidakaka Ajinkya Drinks blood and eats flesh

Prem ka Pujari (Wed) Amit Prem The sneaky one.

Guys and gals, here s the latest scoop from the IIM Indore News Service. Enjoy.......

Hello guys, gals and the rest.

Time for another nerve-wrecking, spine-tingling, nail-biting encounter

between the two bitter rivals.. the Armageddons and the Daemones. This time,

they are fighting it out in the ancient fight-to-death game of Krih-ket.

Here is the latest edition of the newsletter of IIM I News Service. Enjoy.........

Hi people,

Just as A-block is trying not to get complacent about their abilities, the

D-block is making its own plans to avenge the defeat in the volleyball court

(commonly being referred to now as an 'Aberration'.:-)) So here goes..

D-block has formally challenged the guys from Archipelagos to a game of

8-a-side cricket match.

Here's news straight from IIM I News Service. This guy has an awesome way with words. Here goes,

Just when you thought everything in the world was as predictable as the

timing of the Eco quiz, there comes an unimaginable situation that hits

you.. not because of its intensity but because of the element of surprise..

People, one such event happened right under our nose today evening in the

volleyball court. Hold your breath..

Well, it s finally done. Our seniors have finally finally welcomed us to the fold of IIM Indore, officially, that is. Although we have felt welcomed from the day we walked into the campus, it was only yesterday that the actual welcoming took place.

It started off with both sections of PGP 1 performing cultural activities like skits, song and dance routines, etc. I personally was involved in a skit in a small way.

For starters, if you guys actually are reading this blog after reading my previous blog regarding the mad schedule we follow back here at IIM Indore, you ll appreciate the fact that there is a tremendous amount of pressure that is being exerted upon us here.

In any case, this blog is not meant to be another ‘bitching’ session about the schedules and the lack of sleep. This is about the pressure faced out here and the way one copes up with it.

We ve all heard and read about time management and maybe, just maybe some of us have tried our hand at it, but I m telling all you people out there, you have no idea of it until you end up in a situation like I m finding myself in right now!!!

Typical schedule reads something like this:

0645 hrs Get up and start doing your mundane daily activities like brushing your teeth, washing your face, etc, etc

0700 hrs After a nice refreshing climb up some 40 odd steep steps, do some stretching exercis

I really completely fail to comprehend what happens to me when I hear the word MATH. I used to be pretty decent at Math at school until that fateful day when that stupid Math teacher walked into my class when I was in my 10th standard. From that day onwards, there was absolutely no way that I could be comfortable with Math. From then on began my long and arduous journey with Math.
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